With The Right Approach, RFID Can Be ‘Enabling,’ Not ‘Disruptive,’ For Business

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As part of our everyday lives, many of us dine out and shop online. But have you considered the ways that technology is involved in facilitating these activities? Did you factor in the technologies used to mark, track and trace the ingredients in your last meal as they moved from the producer to the distributor’s warehouse and then to the restaurant? Or to notify you that a package was recently left on your doorstep?
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The extent to which companies use technology to ensure we get exactly what we want, when and where we want it, is not readily visible. Even when we see technology used right in front of us — such as the mobile device or tablet used by restaurant staff and those delivering packages — it may be hard to appreciate just how dependent we’ve become on it.
RFID’s Rise Amid A New Track-And-Trace Movement
At the turn of the century, digitalization was the key to business optimization, and to a certain extent, it still is. The first step to gaining the level of agility needed to capture a performance edge in the “now economy” is to replace pen-and-paper processes with digitalized workflows and ensure data captured across the entire enterprise is readily accessible. However, it is not enough to simply create digital “systems of record.”
Greater enterprise intelligence is derived via “systems of reality” that gather detailed information, such as inventory levels, work-in-progress status, equipment condition and staff locations, in a nearly real-time manner using technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID).
Barcode-based scans can provide some visibility into this information. However, RFID can provide far superior speed, accuracy, automation and efficiency in many cases. I believe this is why, at Zebra, we’re seeing RFID adoption rates climbing quickly in industries such as manufacturing, transportation, retail, health care and even sports. In fact, in 2019, we surveyed 950 IT decision-makers at companies with at least 250 employees, with results published in the “Intelligent Enterprise Index” report, and found that 52% of organizations are already using active RFID technology in some capacity. And another 34% plan to implement active RFID in the next few years.
Measuring The Need And Readiness For RFID
Before integrating RFID technology into your company’s operations, you must first determine if it can help improve an area your company is currently struggling with. For instance, a company that’s losing sales opportunities because of a lack of visibility in stock or asset locations, or one that’s spending more on extra materials, tools and human resources to compensate for inefficiencies.
Tracking the location, condition, timing, accuracy and speed of inventory, equipment and people in nearly real time makes it easier to streamline processes and drive more efficient frontline workflows. Some use cases include:
• Retail: Inventory levels and locations are made visible in stores and warehouses to help reduce out-of-stock situations, improve sales and increase customer satisfaction.
• Transportation, Logistics And Postal Service: Workers are able to see all delivery processing and handling actions.
• Health Care: Providers can find essential patient testing and care equipment within seconds.
• Airlines: Life vests, meals and such can be tracked to improve flight readiness, and baggage can be routed in a timely and accurate manner to its destination.
• Manufacturing: Workers are able to track inventory as it moves from the loading dock to the production line and beyond, which can reduce delays and improve quality control.
• IT: Equipment is tracked in server vaults and system operations control rooms to eliminate lost, misplaced, stolen or breached equipment.
• Automatic Vehicle Identification: This can apply to electronic toll collection, monitoring highway use and load factors, and monitoring vehicle servicing and fueling statuses.
RFID Investment Requires Strong Leadership
Industry analysts and visionaries may perceive RFID to be “disruptive.” Yet we see it as enabling. If executed properly, RFID can prevent disruption to businesses’ operations and our way of life as consumers.
But since a well-implemented RFID solution can touch multiple parts of a business, strong internal coordination among all potential stakeholders is imperative during the planning, testing and implementation phases. For example, consulting with procurement, supply chain, store operations, store sales, marketing and e-commerce functions from day one tends to bring far superior value to a retailer than when IT alone drives the RFID technology selection and deployment processes. Assigning a central coordinator and facilitator can add great value when soliciting input from all potential end users and beneficiaries.
Change management is also critical. A lack of communications across the organization can stifle adoption and your return on investment. Simple education on what RFID is, how it works best and what benefits your business can achieve by using it can go a long way in helping your employees embrace it.
One more thing to remember: There is no such thing as a standard implementation strategy for RFID, and there is no single “best” RFID solution for all organizations — or even for a particular industry. It’s important to map out an incremental innovation plan to effectively address your challenges and achieve your goals without introducing more risk to your organization.
(source: FORBES – Mar 25, 2020)